Monday, July 5, 2010

Tool #2

I like the idea of creating an online education community especially in this times where information is more accessible to everyone and everywhere. To me this is one of the easiest way to share ideas, experiences, ask for clarifications or advices, interact with other colleagues or parents, etc, without being present for a discussion, which is a big advantage considering the limited time that sometimes our busy lives have.

What I like about of participating in a PLN is how easy is to communicate with other people that is interested in the same topic of discussion, giving me the possibility for instance, of trying new ways of teaching, sharing points of view, giving advices or answer questions not only with other teachers but also with parents. I am not saying directly with my students because I teach Pre-K and my students are learning how to write and read but I am not discarding the fact that they could do it.

What really stood out for me was the fact of how using the technology we can easily share and encourage collaboration, and this is open to anyone, in other words, to colleagues, parents, students, community, etc, giving anyone the opportunity of contributing in the learning process.

These are the five blogs that I have selected for my commnets:

Spring Daffodils
Hammer's PK
Polar Bear
Baby Goat
Bellas Orquideas


  1. I think you have some great ideas already in place for using these tools and working together. I just know you will also find good ways your kids can use them too!

  2. Sharing ideas with parents and using new tools to help them understand that teaching involves them and feedback is welcome is great on all counts.

  3. I know you will be a great resource for sharing ideas and collaborating with other teachers online, just like you've always done in person!

  4. I agree with you that this is a wonderful tool to communicate and share ideas and thoughts.

  5. I totally agree with you just like other educators, and hoping that there are more teachers willing to participate in learning about technology.
