Monday, August 9, 2010


My favorite tools are the apps for Itouches, the Digital Storytelling and the Skype.
I am planing to use Digital Storytelling to record my students when they dramatize a stories. They will have the chance to enjoy their stories and reinforce concepts that they learned before. Also I will record lessons where my students participate actively. That will help them to review lessons.
The I-touches will be a great innovation in my room and my students will use the apps during centers time to reinforce concepts.

Definitely my point of view about technology in the classroom has changed and opening a wide range of possibilities of incorporate it, and for my students another way to learn or reinforce learning. Also I am more aware of the responsabilities and rights that our stuents will have to learn and undestand to become a good digital citizens.

The unexpected outcome was how easy and frienldy is to complete every tool and add things to the blog. It was much easier than I though. Woohoo.

Tool #11

Every year I have noticed that our students come to school with more tech skills, in other words some of them before the school start know how to handle and use devices such as video games consoles, dvd players, cellphones, even how to hold the mouse and open a program. They have been exposed to all these experiences at home. That is why is to important teach them how to be a good digital citizen. As in any other field there are rules that we have to follow to live in a good society. And I think that as Pre-k teachers we have the responsibility to set the bases of a good digital citizen.

I would like that my students understand what a cyber community is, what are the advantages of using and communicating throughout it , how to use tech tools such as skype or Itouches, and the most important thing that they learn the rules and responsibilities of using these media such as applying a right vocabulary, show behavor and respect when they are communicating with other person, to keep them safe and secure and also to prepare them for a society full of technology.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tool #10

This year I had the opportunity to visit another Pre-K center (Panda Path) and observe the students using the I-touches. I was very impressed of how they easily handle and manage the devices. Students knew what to do, for instance, how to start the application, what buttons to use or how to place the Itouch in the right position (vertical or horizontal). It looked like their little fingers were the perfect size for it. Also they were very familiar with the apps and these were appropriate with the Pre-k guidelines. In my personal opinion the use of Itouches not only help students to reinforce math or LA skills, also improve their fine motor skills.

Stundets were teaching me how to use the apps. These are some of the apps that I enjoyed the most that day: Shape Builder, Write Words and Monkey preschool Lunchbox.

I can't wait to get the Itouches and let my students use them as a tool to reinforce what they are learning. Also using the Flip cameras it will be possible to record and play the lesson in the I-touches as teachers at Panda Path did. I saw how children enjoy watching the lessons over and over again.

Tool #9

The screencast could be used to record instructions for my students when they are learning how to use software or how to complete a task, etc.
I really like the idea of using skype to encourage my students to read a book, a letter, etc to other students, parents, students in other classrooms, members of their families that are not present in the classroom. That will really help to improve their oral language. Also they can make a showcast about the daily news or a report of a project like having their own tv channel. Other idea that I like is using skype to make a conference with parents.

I have been using skype for the last 4 years to communicate with my family and friends and to me is a great way to keep in touch with them despite the distances.